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The Writings


The writings of Minister Robert R. Johnson, Jr. began over twenty years ago. Today this collection includes fifty-two writings. These writings did not come easily for Minister Johnson. Through many of his life sufferings, loss of short term memory while at seminary, followed by five surgeries, he has continued to write what has been passionately given to him and inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Minister Johnson reflects,

Although the writings do not come to me in the same way they did before my surgery, the Lord has made me aware that they would continue to come to me and go through me in order that the writings would be a blessing to others.

That is why Minister Johnson calls them Divine Inspirational Writings.

Purchase Your Framed Divine Inspirational Writings

Funds for writings will be used to support the ministry in order to carry out its mission and purpose throughout the State of Texas and the world.

Visit our Gallery to view pictures of the framed writings. The framed writings may be purchased online or by mail/phone.